The Inner Sherpa



“It should not be the aim of kingdom believers literally to imitate the outward life of Jesus in the flesh but rather to share his faith; to trust God as he trusted God and to believe in men as he believed in men.” [UB 2091:01]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you live on a world where Blame seems to be the daily special served by almost everyone at some level. What are the side effects and repercussions of such a poor and addictive diet?

“Blame is the inability to take responsibility at whatever level it is expressed. Nations blame nations; individuals blame individuals—including themselves and so much more—failing to realize how unproductive and undermining such an attitude is.

“Your Master Jesus was blameless and yet He was assigned tremendous underserved blame as He stood out as the white background reflecting the dark spots of human consciousness. In spite of being tremendously victimized, He never resorted to blaming His tormentors for the errors of their ways. Rather, He exhibited an infinite compassion and empathy toward them, and was ever ready to forgive them. His final act of forgiveness occurred while He hanged in agony on the cross and it was directed to the repentant thief crucified at His side.

“Wouldn’t it be far more productive to forgive than to blame? Blame is entirely devoid of forgiveness and can never contribute to improve the state of affairs in the all-encompassing reality of your being—inner and outer. Blaming yourself for your shortcomings does not resolve them. Rather, it digs the nail even deeper in the pain you already feel due to your state of inner dissonance.

“The same applies to the global situation. The more you project blame on others and resort to mudslinging, the more polluted your spiritual environment becomes and the more incapacitated you become in your ability to be objective and to admit to your own contributions to the dysfunctions of the world you live in.

“Stop blaming and start scrutinizing your own soul to identify the areas of your life you have the power to heal. Such an attitude will transform your outlook on the whole world as you will take personal responsibility and open the door to positive inner changes. “What you resist, persists” as such a state of denial has to be overcome in order to bring about positive changes.

“Dear ones, go on a blame fast and couple it with a fast from complaining. Persevere, as it won’t be easy at first to wean yourself from these addictions. Yet, over time, your inner smog will be lifted and you will breathe more freely as you will have transmuted your own spiritual atmosphere into a much brighter perspective about the world you live in--you included. Once you stop blaming the whole world for your predicament, you will start playing your part to perfection as Jesus did while He exemplified the way to lead a God-centered life—a life focused on the possibilities revealed by the Light rather than on the stifling darkness.”

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