The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you express your intention to go within the Stillness of your heart, you are going through a mental checklist to ready yourself for a day lived with greater awareness. One of the best booster shot to start your day spiritually energized is to go on a rampage of gratitude. No matter what life may seem to be throwing at you from your blind corner, there is so much more that life is gifting you with in full sight. Yet, so many of life gifts are taken for granted and no second thought is given to them – until such time as they are taken away. The air you breathe, the clean water you drink, the food on your table and the roof on your head are taking care of your most basic and life sustaining needs. How often do you express gratitude for them?

“Not only do you have basic needs which have to be met to sustain the operating organisms of your physical being, but there are also many basic needs to be met in order to sustain your emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth. Truth, beauty and goodness – i.e. Love – are the elements which are also available to you in plain sight if you would only open your heart and mind’s eyes.

“As you learn to recognize all the blessings contained in your life and to express your gratitude for them, more and more will come to your mind and you will shift your whole perspective from the point of view of being needy to the one of being blessed abundantly. From that perspective of gratitude, your heart will become filled to the rim and will overflow and bless others with the activated divine energies which are there to be multiplied and shared with others.

“As you are becoming more proficient at expressing your gratitude 24/7, your heart start experiencing much joy as it is in a singing mode instead of being stuck in a complaining mode. This too constitutes a wonderful doorway to shift your frequencies into higher frequencies which bring you closer to your Divine Guidance.”

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