Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, as you focus on the flow of your breath--the in- and outflow of air in your lungs--, you are also visualizing the flux and reflux of the waves on the ocean--in and out, in and out. The waves do not rush their movement, they follow the scripts of the tides; the tides are influenced by the moon… Everything is connected to various higher influences.
“Use your breath to connect yourself to all the higher influences that are attached to it. Your breath is their portal. Your breath is what connects your inner being to the outer world and its many layers—including the ones streaming from higher spiritual realms.
“Whenever you are breathing deeply, enjoying the fullness and the depth of each breath, your being becomes more and more receptive and relaxed, allowing Peace to move in on the coattail of the air particles that you are so consciously inviting in. Yes, Peace needs your invitation. It is always there for you to tap into but you have to initiate the process on your own whenever you feel short of breath and frazzled.
“By restoring your breath to a beautiful rhythm, Peace moves into your heart, your mind, and all the layers of your being. Your breathing can have positive ripple effects on your whole being. Also, by focusing on your breath, you are very effectively emptying your mind from its incessant chatter that--if left unsupervised--, can adversely affect your mental, emotional and physical well-being as they too are part of a ripple effect.
“By consciously emptying your mind daily in meditation, you are conducting a very effective mental spring clean-up—taking the furniture out [the thoughts], vacuuming and dusting your inner space, opening the door of your heart, and the windows of your mind so that your whole being can be visited by a breath of fresh air—by Spirit.
“The more dedicated you become to your daily practice, the more results you will witness. You will notice that you live much better if you dump your worries and fears at the curb after recognizing that they are not the best furniture for your inner space. Discard any mental clutter and go zen or feng shui. You will realize that your inner life is filled with choices and options. You do have the final say in how you feel if you chose to live consciously. You can have happy emotional endings and kick the draining drama out of your life. This will considerably enhance the quality of your life experience.
“If you were to read a book absent-mindedly, you wouldn’t recall the story line. On the other hand, if you were fascinated by the story, you would relish into each detail and visualize everything in your mind’s eye. Turn your life into a page turner by focusing on its minute beautiful details.”