The Inner Sherpa



“Recompense injury with kindness.” [UB 1452:02]

Thought Adjuster: “The above admonition caught your attention. Indeed, by responding to hurts with kindness, much good can be achieved and much negativity can be deflected.

All of you are very fragile and complex beings. The injuries inflicted to you at the physical level of your being result in colorful and attention-catching bruises. People will ask you what happened and will feel compassion and empathy toward you.

You are so much more fragile on the inner. Yet, such a fragility is not so clearly revealed, as many of you are adept at hiding your emotional bruises, pretending all is well when it is far from being so. This prevents others from stepping in and helping you.

Not only do you need to handle yourself with care, but you should extend the same courtesy to others. They are just as breakable as you are. All of you are like precious china meant to partake in the beautiful tea-ceremony of life. How much of this china-set has been shattered by misunderstandings? Indeed, those who have been hurt, hurt others.

You could break this vicious cycle by refraining from responding in kind. Respond with kindness instead! It does not mean that you are ‘rewarding’ hurtful behaviors with undeserved kindness, as your intention is not to encourage the perpetrator to go on with his or her brutal ways. No. What it means is your unforeseen kind response will actually take him or her off balance, just as a martial artist turns the thrust of his opponent to his advantage. Kindness will indeed come out of the blind corner—the corner blinded by anger, hate, or other purulent emotions. It will then adequately act as a much-needed healing balm.

Practice kindness! Not only will it greatly benefit your world, but it will also greatly benefit you, as it will take you to new heights of great personal achievements: self-mastery—the subjugation of your lower emotions and your transcendence over them. What is there to lose? Isn’t it an all-around win-win situation? Doesn’t it give you the upper hand, as you exhibit the bigger heart?”

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