The Inner Sherpa



“It is a marvelous and transforming experience to become the living channel of spiritual light to the mortal who sits in spiritual darkness.” {UB 1430:02]

Thought Adjuster: “All individuals living on the planet are transmitters/receivers of some sort. Through the gift of free will, they have been put in charge of their life decisions and of their consequences. Are you spreading light or darkness? This too is part of your area of influence. Unfortunately, many are unaware of the emotional influence they exert. Due to a serious lack of introspection, they blame others for everything that takes place in their own life and consequently increase the darkness that is already so widespread.

“This is very visible especially in the political arena where love and respect are flying out of the window, chased by anger, disrespect, blame, resentment, outrage, etc. Do you really want such emotional pollutants to take over the planetary atmosphere? Do you want to add to the shadows or to the light? It is high time for people to come to their senses and regain control over their emotions and their thinking process.

“You are beings of light. This is part of the divine intention for your life purpose. How much of your light do you project and how much do you place under a bushel? Your qualities and talents are facets of this light. When adequately expressed, they bring joy and happiness into your life, as well as gratitude. The blaming game in which so many are engaged will never bring forth inner fulfillment. Instead, it will promote feelings of deep dissatisfaction that will keep adding to the negative emotional mix and render life on this planet more and more challenging and miserable.

“Consciously add to the Light by expanding it in your being through a careful selection of your moods and emotions. Strive for excellence as it will unfailingly increase your ‘light voltage’ and help others to get in touch with their own inner light.”

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