Christ Michael: “Dear one, as you are calling upon Me to spend some quality time with you, I answer and I join you in your morning Stillness. I too enjoy going within the Stillness. The Stillness is a much needed nutrient in support of the decision making process. All decisions, at all levels, need to be taken from a place of inner peace, from a place of serenity.
“Too many human beings are making spur of the moment decisions which are too often based on temporary and fluctuating emotional states. Decisions taken in anger can be as misguided as decisions taken in sadness and depression as they are tied to the Law of Cause and Effect. Anger and depression are very low on the vibratory scale and their fruits won’t be the healthy fruits of the Spirit.
“There is a great need to put your lower emotions in quarantine, to give them time to work themselves out. Whenever you feel that your emotional state is imbalanced, the best remedy to that is to go in the Stillness and to raise your vibrations by the practice of Gratitude. Gratitude is the most reliable mood elevator there is as it takes you to a state of taking nothing for granted.
“If you wisely take some time out whenever your emotions threaten to hamper your spiritual progression, I can join you in your time out and help you separate the emotional weeds from the emotional seedlings. Once your being becomes liberated from the invasive and choking weeds, you will experience an accelerated soul growth.
“I am the Gardener of Nebadon* and I oversee with TLC the soul nursery. Each soul means a great deal to Me as it is yet another expression from the Heavenly Father. I can get to know My Father through His children and so can you. I see each one of you as the likeliness of the Father. I can detect the “family resemblance” and the Father’s DNA in you. This is what makes my quest to bring Urantia back to the Father’s fold so meaningful. I am reconnecting Divinity with Divinity. I am reassembling the scattered divine family. I am waiting with open arms for all My children to find their way home—all My prodigal children. The joy that I feel when it happens is indescribable.
“You too, dear ones, can be helping your younger siblings find their way home. Each isolated soul feels empty as its purpose can only be fulfilled in a group effort where it can play its God-given role. Yours is to be resourceful in order to find out which triggers are the most efficient to help place your siblings on the starting gate of their spiritual and eternal journey.”
*Nebadon is a local Universe. Its Sovereign is Christ Michael, aka Jesus during his earthly incarnation as the Son of Man. For more in depth information, refer to the Life and Teachings of Jesus in The Urantia Book.