The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk some more about prayer today. The thought came to your mind that whenever your heart is moved to pray for a specific person or situation, it can expand even more the scope of such a prayer by encompassing into it all persons undergoing similar challenges.

“Indeed, whenever love, compassion and empathy are triggered by a very close and personal situation, you can use this situation as a proxy for those finding themselves in similar circumstances. If you pray with empathy for a loved one suffering from depression, ask the Father to also use your heartfelt prayer in support of all those suffering from depression. If you pray for a family dealing with the sickness of a loved one, ask that your prayer be also in support of all those undergoing similar challenges.

“The fact that you are emotionally connected to one specific individual allows you to expand your loving petition to a greater crowd, so to speak. Doesn’t it greatly upgrade the quality of your selfless prayers to be of service to the whole organism—not just to one singled out part? The loved one you intercede for becomes the poster child and representative for many anonymous siblings toward whom your heart would also reach out if you were privy to their present difficulties.

“Again, each part contributes to the whole. As you lovingly focus on a part, you can as well lovingly focus on the whole. The ocean is made of a multitude of individual droplets. Each heartfelt prayer lands in the cosmic bucket of Love Substance and its content can be amplified by the force of synergy and generously disbursed where it is most needed.

“Trust that the love you share with others will always find its mark. No act of kindness is ever wasted. It may be redirected but it will never get lost as it is magnetically guided by the Source of All Love from where it streams and where it is returning through the infinity circle of Love—ineluctably positively impacting everything on its way. As always, intention is what determines whether your prayers are heard or fall on deaf ears. The more selfless and unconditional the quality of your Love, the more empowered it becomes. This is the type of Love that Jesus expressed during His earthly life. He was concerned about the welfare of humanity and ever expanded the scope of His love to encompass the whole planet and beyond.”

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