The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you have been investigating what it means to believe wholeheartedly in the Divine Truth revealed to you in your Stillness time and through the revelatory materials that you have been exposed to. The Master said: The Truth shall make you free. It is a fact, it is true and it is so. Through your own experience, as you progress on your spiritual journey, you can pin point the key moments in your life when a heartfelt connection with some new expression of truth has helped you move forward in the application of truth in your life. Truth is fail proof and is willing to submit itself to the testing of a questioning mind. Truth has to be challenged in order to be espoused as a living nutrient of your soul.

“You carefully select which type of nutrients you ingest so as to maintain a healthy body; you should also carefully select which input of truth is the most needed in your soul development. The criteria for the discernment of truth are: is it good and is it beautiful? Truth, Beauty and Goodness are closely intertwined as each one of these highest values is infused with the two other ones. Truth is beautiful and good; goodness is the fruit of the incorporation of truth and beauty; beauty speaks to the heart as it is infused with truth and goodness.

“You know deep down in your soul, that the truth revealed through the life of Jesus on this planet is practicable and that by practicing the Golden Rule, you will come to a place where you will start showing forth the ripened fruits of Spirit. These fruits, like the beautiful fruits displayed on a tree at the close of their growth process, will become attractive to others and will instill in them the desire to manifest such healthy fruits in their own lives.

“Keep working at tending to your own orchard with the knowingness that you are one of the Father’s gardeners, taking care of His estate. The Father has embedded many seeds in you and by dutifully tending to them, you are multiplying them and there will be enough to share with others and feed many hungry souls. You too can be following in the footsteps of your Master Jesus as He is still nurturing His children with the fruits of His own Spirit and fertilizing His children’s souls until each child becomes an active participant in the blooming of his/her own soul.

“As you witness in the agriculture of this planet, each crop has a different timing for the harvest. What matters is that none of them be neglected. Time is needed to reach optimal growth and no crop should be harvested prematurely as it would be detrimental.

“Once you recognize truth in your life, you can rely on it 100% and believe the words of truth which have been revealed to you. They are your reliable instructions and maps to ever higher levels of living and of understanding. Whenever you doubt the reliability of these truths, it affects your wholeheartedness and slows down the flow of Love which empowers the truth. Love is the energy unleashed whenever Truth, Beauty and Goodness collaborate. By keeping your focus on either one of them, you keep open a channel through which Love can flow. “

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