The Inner Sherpa



“A true leader leads by his/her actions as actions are words being fulfilled. So many spoken words remain unfulfilled and feather light as they are not being actualized. The Father thought, the Son spoke and the Spirit jumped into action and manifested. It is part of the spiritual growth process to formulate higher thinking, to purify the spoken word and to use it to express God-centered, higher intentions. The body — connected to this material planet— is here to bring into form these spoken intentions.

“So many words are thoughtlessly spoken and manifest distorted and imperfect realities. This is why it is so important to pay great attention to where your thoughts are taking you. Are they impulsive and careless or are they safeguarded by prayer and reflection?

“A good engineer puts a lot of thought in the development of plans and matrixes. He double and triple checks their do-ability before releasing them for construction. So many of the earthly children are so impulsive that they jump into action without sufficiently scrutinizing the value of their project! Many actions are not of service to humanity as they do not contain the most precious element of the highest good and are infused instead with an element of self-service and selfishness.

“When you look at the cosmos, you see harmony and balance— reflections of the all encompassing creative intentions there to manifest truth, beauty, goodness —love in action.

“Words are energetic entities which frequently cause great harm to others and to the self if they are infused with hurtful energies instead of love. Words are like the colors you pick from a palette of colors. Do you paint with dark shades or with light hues? You are coloring your own environment with your spoken words.

They have a huge impact on others and yet so many are oblivious to that fact and propagate hurts instead of love and upliftment.

“Thoughtless actions cannot lead to any creative substance as they lead to destruction instead. Take time to come to the Divine in order to cleanse your thinking and align it to the greater picture. Take time to carefully select your words in order to manifest your higher intentions into co-creations of lasting value and beauty.

“Co-creating is a conscious enterprise which needs to be infused with the highest consciousness available to you each step of the way. The purest your intentions are, the more collaboration you will receive from the celestial realms as they can wholeheartedly back you up in your creativity.”

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