The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, the Urantia Book coins human beings as being ‘Agondonters’—those who believe without seeing. Indeed the human condition on a young planet is very ‘down to earth’ and, for multiple generations since the emergence of the human species, the reality of its spiritual nature has remained hidden for the most part.

“For our human ancestors, life on the planet was mostly about the physical survival of the fittest. Their living conditions were harsh and kept them in a constant survival mode. Due to the intellectual ignorance that reigned at that time, the spiritual realities were actually shrouded in mysteries, leaving much room for interpretation by the fertile human imagination.

“As practical knowledge was acquired over time, coupled with scientific and technological progress, some of the grey areas were gradually clarified and human decisions became more impactful as they came to rely on established facts, rather than on erroneous assumptions.

“After their initial planetary orientation and once their planetary lives became safer and more sustainable, human beings had more time to orient their curiosity toward the ‘invisible.’ They developed many interpretations for the phenomena they could not grasp intellectually. At the same time, a Divine Providence was unfolding to facilitate their connection with the spiritual realms and their getting in touch with their spiritual nature. Such a Divine Providence involved—and still involves—recurring to Role Models and Spokespersons in order to provide the ‘Agodonders’ with visual and auditory aids, thus compensating in a small measure for their spiritual blindness and deafness.

“Such individuals became the Father’s Agents sent to provide loving assistance to His children along their painstaking spiritual evolution. Such individuals are still being remembered for the new perspectives they brought into the world. Not exclusively human beings were used as such catalysts for awakening. In His loving Wisdom, the Father also allowed the incarnation of some Teachers from On High so that they could be visible in the flesh and thus become living bridges between the physical and the spiritual realms. Machiventa Melchizedek, known as the Sage of Salem, was one of them.

“Jesus of Nazareth became the optimal Role Model as He incarnated on the planet as both the Son of God and the Son of Man. He shared His spiritual experience with His brothers in the flesh, thus translating spiritual realities for them. He resorted to many colorful and experientially relatable parables that are still relevant to these days.

“Indeed, dear ones, you may suffer from the handicap of being Agodonters. Yet, as in everything the Father does, handicaps are always compensated and counterbalanced by Gifts of Unconditional Love. Keep it in mind as you go through your days. Whenever you feel the urge to complain, remember that your handicaps and challenges are blessings in disguise that help you develop your spiritual senses and intuition. You won’t be Agodonters forever just as a caterpillar won’t forever be subjected to the pull of gravity. Once you graduate from this earthly experience, you will get to experience ineffable bliss due to the fact that your Agodonter status will be lifted. You will be equipped with much sharper senses with which you will more easily get in touch with your true and eternal spiritual nature.”

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