Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, what is patience? To be patient is in fact to be respectful of the present moment. How often does your mind rush ahead of time with its imagination or with such strong longings that it would like to skip time? You cannot rush evolution and you may as well get comfortable with that process.
“So many present moments are not being granted the importance they deserve. Divine guidance happens in the present. I AM is 100% invested in the present. I Am does not dwell on I WAS or I SHALL BE. Surely the I AM presence is guided by a vision of the Divine concepts for the continued manifestation of co-creations. There is a blue print---a map. Yet, it points to a destination and any good map also provides signposts about the various possibilities to successfully reach that destination.
“There may be a shortcut to get there and usually such a shortcut involves increased challenges. There may also be a wider road—a highway already tested and tried by many. The experiences on that highway may be more common, yet they are valuable as well. Yours is to decide which road to take whenever you stand at the cross of multiple roads. Each one of them will provide you with a unique experience in the present moment. There are as many experiences as they are human beings on this planet. You can benefit from each other’s input, but you can also venture as a brave pioneer on trails that are still very virgin and that may present some unanticipated challenges. You will be then the one upgrading the map with the practical information you acquired through your own pioneering.
“Be present in the present. This is the only meeting place for us. I AM and you are. By focusing on the present moment, we can BE together at the same place in time. This is the reason why the Stillness practice is so empowering. It is a place of inner communion; it is a place where the highest connection available to you can be initiated. It is the place where your little human match strikes the divine matchbox. It is the place where you become aware that you are light, a small light that blends with the much brighter living divine Light. It is truly a place where divine fireworks can take place. Enjoy what each moment is bringing you. By learning to be more focused on the present, you will unfailingly lead a much richer life as you will perceive opportunities instead of overlooking them whenever you are not truly present in your present.”