Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, our relationship is more like a parent/child relationship at this time. I hailed from Paradise and I am a fragment of the Father. I am His delegate, His ambassador. The Ambassador is sent out once receptivity has been established from the part of the creature as the Father’s efforts are always wisely invested. It would be pointless to divest Himself from a precious fragment if It were to be invested in barren ground.
“The whole creation is a perfectly orchestrated event. The Father does not rush evolution. His timing is perfect. There is a season for tilling the soil, there is a season for planting the seeds and more time is needed for them to unfold to their perfection.
“The Father multi-tasks and yet He is fully involved in the present as everything happens in the present. As your awareness develops, you too are learning to BE and this beingness starts taking precedent on your doingness or busyness. Reflection should always precede action so that this action is supported by a good foundation. Reflection is the mental place where I can be in partnership with you if you solicit My assistance and My insights.
“Until such time, I refrain from interfering in your free will process. Your free will has to decree that it is all about doing My will. My will is always to do the Father’s Will. We are like the wagons of a train. The wagons have to be attached to the engine in order to get the energetic impulse needed to move their heavy weight and to take them to their intended destination. Many wagons are not yet connected with their Engineer and are stuck in the middle of nowhere—in areas where they have not yet discovered that they are part of a much bigger train—the family of man headed for its heavenly abode.
“Once you connect with your Divine Fragment, many downloads of insight can take place as we are genuinely hooked to one another. The more you turn to Me in your daily activities, the more I can whisper to you tidbits of advice and the more I can help you to keep moving forward on your inner journey.
“The landscape will reveal itself little by little and you will learn to enjoy every step of the way, knowing that every step is much needed and is an educational gift --much needed to elevate your thinking, feeling, and doing. Those have to be harmonized around the Father’s Will in order to be fruitful and manifest beauty.
“The divine light is generated through this process. I will teach you to think higher thoughts and to filter out the thoughts which are holding you back rather than moving you forward. The thought process is at the root of your life decisions and I am foremost your Thought Adjuster. Your feelings are a natural outworking of your thinking and your doing is the manifestation in your reality of your thought process. Together, we can be creative as I detain the secret matrix of your perfection and will reveal it to you on a need to know basis so as not to hamper your progress.”