The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You are each others’ miracles. What do I mean by that? Many human beings are praying to the Father in their times of need so that some relief can be brought into their lives. The Father’s heart is always wide open and receptive to each individual suffering. Since the beginning of time, He has been moving His divine agenda so that Light and Life infuse all of His creation.

“Life and Light do not appear on a planet for a very long time as it has to evolve individually from its own dark ages of ignorance and spiritual slumber. Yet, all the required parameters are set in motion long before a planet has been deemed habitable; the nursery has to be ready for the expected children of time.

“At the onset of human life on a planet, progress is made mostly experientially—through the process of trial and error. Eventually, enough experiential wisdom is accumulated to speed up the human evolutionary process. Wisdom and Worship are the last spiritual traits that are being developed by the human creatures on the basis of Knowledge, Understanding, and Intuition. They also learn to come together and pool their resources through the spiritual influence of the Adjutant Mind Spirit of Counsel. The Father’s wisdom starts emerging and upon recognizing it, human beings start feeling the inborn urge to worship the Maker of All.

“The easiest way for the Father to intervene in your lives is through one another. The Father is Love and miracles are acts of love as they deal with love-starved situations and bring love to these situations in order to heal them—to extract them from their state of dysfunction and unbalance. Miracles happen through open hearts and the more you focus on the expansion of our own heart, the more you can be used by the Father as one of His Agents of Miracles.

“Look back at your life and recall those amazing and mind-blowing moments when you experienced some synchronicities that appeared miraculous to you as the odds seemed to be stacked against the positive turnaround of difficult situations.

“Volunteer to be an Agent of Miracles and you will be used as such. Again, the Father is resourceful and will take advantage of all the volunteering souls that want to be of service to others. Miracles are always acts of free will—never of coercion.

“Whenever Jesus’ heart was moved by the plight of His fellowmen, miracles would take place as the creative and healing powers of Love were instantly unleashed by His open heart. Do monitor the opening of your heart so that it can jump into loving action whenever it becomes aware of someone’s need for divine intervention. You are of the divine essence and you are part of the process of divine intervention if you only allow it. Miracles require many anonymous workers behind the scene that meticulously put into place the domino effect that will eventually satisfy a dire need. The Father is constantly hiring such workers. Are you answering His call?”

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