The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that the secret to withstand negative emotions is to remember to stay in a state of Unconditional Love. This is also the key to resolving any feelings of hurt trapped in your being.

“At times, you may feel vulnerable in your relationships with others. You may have been hurt in the past by being at the receiving end of hurtful emotions, such as anger, disrespect, and misinterpretation of your intentions. Yet, if you stop and think, your feelings were hurt because you took these outbursts personally.

“The difference between the demeanor of Jesus and yours in such painful emotional situations is that He NEVER took such offenses personally. He was confident in who He was and stood His ground whenever He was under such emotional attacks. He refused to be owned and ruled by them. He understood that they were in fact immature projections from the part of those who belittled and humiliated Him. Because He loved unconditionally, such harsh behaviors failed to affect Him the same way they affect immature human beings. This is the reason why they did not trigger in Him feelings of anger, resentment, nor a desire for revenge. Rather, they triggered love-related feelings of empathy and compassion.

“He never subscribed to the ‘an eye for an eye’ hateful cycle; instead, He shockingly admonished to ‘turn the other check.’ Remember that your heart can be at all times connected to the Source of Unconditional Love. Learn to invite such a pure quality of Love into your being and this will become your very effective antidote against any negative emotions hurled at you or sadly embedded in the mass consciousness.

“This is how you will gain true emotional mastery. Stays connected with the Light and remember that Light blinds those who live in dark underworlds. Whenever you exude Light from your heart, you become untouchable and it keeps you safe. If you remain on guard, darkness cannot switch off your inner light. It can only draw you in if you let it pierce through your light armor by finding your emotional Achilles heel. ‘You are only as strong as your weakest link.’ By working on your weaknesses, you develop the inner fortitude required to resist bouts of negativity. You nip them in the bud and shorten their life span as well as the length of the period of destabilization they trigger in your being.”

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