The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that the life lessons you learn while you live on the material plane are educational pre-requisites for your higher education in the worlds beyond. Indeed, such is the case. Just as the applicants demonstrating the best qualifications and potentials will be granted entry to prestigious universities, only those mortals who excelled in their planetary home work will be allowed to skip grades in their eternal career orientation, according to their individual level of spiritual achievement. All your earthly credits will be transferrable in the worlds beyond.

“Dear ones, life on this planet is precious and should not be squandered away by over focusing on what is fleeting. Rather, grab each opportunity to graduate from one level of self-mastery to the next. Your life continuously presents you with the challenging curriculum you need to master—lessons that address your weak areas in order to lead you to transcend them. Do not be discouraged whenever you are asked to repeat a flunked class as such reoccurrences are the driving forces for your growth. Rather than resenting such challenges as you would resent your least favorite subject of studies, apply yourself to master these difficult lessons as they are valuable stepping stones toward self-perfection—self-mastery.

“Each lesson learned is a prerequisite for your access to the next educational level. If you transition before you graduate from some of them, you will be assigned to the appropriate continued education in the next worlds. Some of you will have to resume their life journey at the entry level if they failed to get in touch with their spiritual nature while they were in their physical embodiment. Others will be able to skip the foundational classes they already graduated from.

“Don’t you see how important it is to take your education seriously? It impacts your eternal destiny. The more you learn and integrate in your being, the better you become as a useful instrument of the Divine and the greatest the possibilities that present themselves on your eternal life horizon. Isn’t it worth investing some personal effort? Nobody can do your homework for you; you cannot cheat your way into Heaven.”

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