The Inner Sherpa



“The people heard him gladly because he was one of them, an unpretentious layman; the world’s greatest religious teacher was indeed a layman.” [UB 196:1:4]

Teacher Uteah: “Doesn’t it make perfect sense that the world’s greatest religious teacher was a layman? How else could the ordinary folks ever hope to find their way to the Promised Land of freedom of worship and self-realization?

“Because human beings have been conceived as free-will evolutionary creatures, all aspects of their lives involve personal liberties, starting with the freedom of choice. This freedom of choice carries over in the way each human creature experiences life. It implies the personal liberties of thinking and doing.

“Jesus’s life had universal ramifications, as He came for ALL men and women. What is it then that He demonstrated during His human incarnation? He steadfastly refused to be ‘elevated’ to any artificial elitist status—social, religious, or political. Yet, He was “a splendid specimen of robust and intellectual manhood” [UB 127:5:1] and acquired the reputation of an outstanding spiritual leader. The fact that He opted for an unprivileged life is the greatest vote of confidence He could provide to humankind. He had both ‘humble’ beginnings and endings. He was born in a stable and put to death on a wooden cross like a common criminal.

“By His unpretentious lifestyle, He sealed an eternal friendship with the ‘common people’ and blazed a spiritual trail accessible to all—taking them from the very bottom of the human condition to the apex of spiritual achievements: the completion of self-realization. Indeed, Jesus was a ‘self-made man’ who demonstrated the ‘do-ability’ of attuning with the divinity of His being.

“Like Him, you are indwelt with a Divine Fragment. Moreover, you also benefit from a direct hotline to His Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit. You are blessed with the most relevant spiritual influences—the experts in the field of spiritual achievements.

“Rejoice in the fact that you are laymen and laywomen! It makes it that much easier for you to grasp the message of Jesus’ life and emulate it in spirit.”

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