The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “As you prepare your mind to receive our higher input, you put it in neutral and it feels to you that, by doing so, you are turning on a mental green light to indicate to Spirit that you are ‘home’—that you are present in the moment and actively listening. This is the clue we are waiting for to start transmitting to your conditioned and receptive mind. What would be the point of initiating a transmission if your mind was not fully receptive? It would be as unproductive as ‘throwing pearls to the swine,’ as colorfully depicted by your Master Jesus.

“Indeed, the Receiving and Transmitting Process can only occur if the ‘receptivity’ prerequisite has been met. When we feel that we have your undivided attention, we proceed with the lesson. As well, if your mind fails to maintain its focus, we sense it and stop talking. It is as simple as that.

“You are the one determining whether or not you will benefit from the lesson. The eagerness of our students is what motivates us to keep talking. The more pointed your questions, the better we can teach you as each question reveal areas in need of enlightenment. It is always good for a Teacher to hold sessions of Questions and Answers as, by doing so, the whole class can benefit from the curiosity of each individual student.

“Questions reveal vacuums in your understanding; answers are provided to perfectly fill these holes and make you whole. Do not be shy in your asking. All questions are welcome as they reveal areas where the Spirit of Truth can flow and help you connect the dots in a very organic fashion—perfectly fitted to your current evolutionary needs-to-know.”

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