“As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting; now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do."
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about Conversion Experiences. You just read about the conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus. Saul was a Jewish rabbi whose heart was hardened toward Christianity. He was convinced that he was serving his God by putting to death the Christian believers. On the road to Damascus, he experienced a powerful event of divine intervention when the resurrected Jesus spoke to him and questioned his behavior. This drastically changed his belief system as he had to acknowledge the reality of the resurrected Jesus. This was the moment of his conversion—of his reformation. The wool was pulled from his eyes and he was instantly activated by Spirit and given his marching orders. He then faithfully dedicated his life to the dissemination of the gospel as he understood it. He even started using his middle name ‘Paul’ instead of ‘Saul,’ thus symbolically disconnecting himself from his heavy past and making himself more approachable to the gentiles.
“Such instantaneous conversion experiences are few and far between. At times, Spirit comes and knock at the door of someone that has been prepared to be a catalyst—a key player who can positively affect many others. Spirit will activate this individual and he will then become His mouthpiece and His good will ambassador.
“However, there are many more subtle conversion experiences. To become a ‘convert’ to anything is to come to the realization that some personal beliefs are erroneous and constitute shaky life foundations. Such shocking personal revelations may bring an individual to his knees; humility is what allows Spirit to download precious and empowering upgrades into that individual. Yes, it is painful to admit the errors of one’s way but isn’t it a blessing as well as it effectively reset your life’s course? It is also a powerful testimony to those who knew the old you and witness the emergence of a more beautiful version of yourself—undergoing a wonderful spiritual makeover.
“It is by far more effective than to want to convince others at all costs of your ever evolving personal convictions by trespassing in their mental space? Don’t you get uncomfortable when others are ‘in your face’ and make you feel the urge to step back? Truth is in no need of coercion. Allow Truth to do all the talking and step out of the way. What matters is that you apply to your life the gems of Truth and let the results speak for themselves
“Conversion can be an ongoing process as there are many areas in your being that are in need of remodeling—of course correction. What matters is that your heart be at the right place. Many conversion experiences are a very subtle and gradual process of reformation of the self, such the one undergone by a smoker who wants to quit. Very few can quit cold turkey and many have to initiate a gradual purging of their system by slowly weaning themselves from these detrimental pollutants. The smoker converts himself to become a non-smoker. What is essential to that process is the willingness to change. Progressive evolution is much preferable to drastic revolution as revolution can be very unsettling and its ripple effects may be short-lived as change takes time.”