The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that Spirit is not motivated by duty, but by LOVE. How would you feel if you were told that Spirit was merely acting out of a sense of duty? Would it bring joy to your heart? Or would you feel let down and disappointed? The answer is obvious. Again, as for everything else, the intention underlying any action determines its weight in gold—its exchange rate, so to speak.

Looking at things from this perspective, you come to realize that this also pertains to your own decisions and actions. Surely, it is a progress in the right direction to feela sense of duty toward the wellbeing of others. Yet, it does not suffice.

Eventually, after following the dutiful path, Love has to step in and take over the baton handed over by Duty. Love is what will surely take you to the finish line, while duty will place you at the starting gate. It is as simple as that.

Aren’t you glad to know that whatever is performed by the universe on your behalf is driven by Love? Indeed, you are not viewed as an obligation by your celestial family. Rather, they love you as their younger siblings and, eagerly and lovingly, volunteer to help raise you to the magnificent beings you are meant to become.”

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