The Inner Sherpa



“True goodness is like water in that it blesses everything and harms nothing.” [UB 1452:01]

Thought Adjuster: “As you read the above quote, the thought entered your mind that the Heavenly Father, BEING Goodness, blesses everything and harms nothing. If you ponder His nature from this enlightened perspective, you can in some small way fathom that He blesses His creation every step of the way.

His Blessings are for real. They are not just rituals practiced on the surface of things as it is frequently done in your places of cult. His Blessings are not used as fear repellents or antidotes to superstitious beliefs. They go much deeper than that. They emanate from His Being—from the Goodness that He IS.

How then could His character be so defamed as to depict Him as a vengeful God, holding petty grudges? Goodness is a blanket blessing. It is all-inclusive and totally devoid of any ill-intended elements.

Such is the type of Goodness you are called to fully embody someday. Such is the type of Goodness that Jesus exhibited along His life’s journey—blessing all those He encountered, as He was able to see through them and detect the seeds of Goodness planted by the Father within them. From that perspective, all are blessed equally. Yet, what you do with these blessings may vary greatly.

Yours is to cultivate Goodness and uproot from your being any elements foreign to that godlike quality. By being good and doing good, you will become better and do better and the day will surely come when you will live optimally—being at your best and bringing forth the best possible outcomes. Indeed, you need to raise the bar of your personal expectations, as the Father has set it very high and yet, within you reach. How else could you someday victoriously stand with Him in the Heights of Paradise?”

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