Thought Adjuster: “Nothing good is ever wasted. Indeed, the Father constantly harvests Goodness. What do I mean by that?
“First of all, at each successful step of the eternal creative process, the Father puts His seal of approval—His quality-control stamp. His creative intentions are forever anchored in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness and these three absolute parameters have to be applied to the entire creative process—resulting in What Is and What Will be.
“The current state of affairs in your world does not reflect absolute Truth, Beauty, and Goodness due to the fact that you live an experiential life and that you have to diligently nurture the seeds of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness that have been planted in the flowerbed of your being—and of all beings.
“Truth, Beauty, and Goodnessare an ‘actuality’ on Paradise and Higher Realms. They are a ‘potentiality’ on your world and can become increasingly manifested through the focused and combined efforts of free-will creatures. As you work hard to bring forth positive results in your own life—the many fruits of Spirit—you can be certain that the Father will harvest them as they ripen and will put them to ‘good’ use. Indeed, you can become His partner in feeding the many hungry souls to encourage them to produce their own precious fruits.
“Season after season, generation after generation, the soil is tilled and fertilized in some areas of life, while crops reach their maturity in others. What matters is your willingness to bring forth beautiful fruits. The timing is up to the Father. You can be assured that no good fruit will ever be allowed to spoil. This is how Truth, Beauty, and Goodness will come to eventually claim all the fallow land that lay dormant but rich in promises.”