The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, yesterday, you experienced how an acquaintance who was previously very closed and distrustful suddenly opened up and abundantly shared of herself. It gave you great joy. Indeed, it seems that many of you are playing ‘hard to get’. Why is it so?

“It is partly due to the fact that they have been hurt in the past and have not fully processed these hurts, thus carrying around many emotional ‘sore spots’. By keeping emotionally distant, they are trying to protect themselves from reviving these still festering aches and pains.

“As well, if they were raised in an unloving environment, they have never been able to fully let their ‘inner child’ loose—thus keeping their cheerful side in check. As you well know, it does not feel good whenever you have to hold back a spontaneous reaction of joy or laughter, as they are the very emotions you have been created to experience—they are the foundations of genuine happiness.

“Yet such character traits endear even more the suffering children of time and space to the compassionate parental hearts of the Heavenly Father and His Representatives. Be assured that They will do their utmost to bring their little ones out of their shell by providing safe emotional environments to remedy to their stunted growth. If it does not happen in this world, it will assuredly happen in the next ones.

“Dear ones, whenever you play ‘hard to get’, go within and ask Me to help you understand the reason(s) why. I will help you develop the trust that is required for you to come out of your inner hiding. I will orchestrate the much-needed trigger situations that will reveal to you your ‘sunny side’ and, once you experience the inner freedom that goes with it, you will find the courage to ‘put yourself out there’ and you will come to realize that, with Me at your sides, no real harm can ever befall you. You will then be equipped with the personal experience to feel compassion toward your still withdrawn siblings and you will encourage them to come out of their emotional ‘bunkers’ to more fully experience the big wide world that has been intended to be a shared cosmic playground.”

Thought Adjuster:

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