The Inner Sherpa



“Perhaps [Jesus’] great secret in getting along with [young people] consisted in the twofold fact that he was always interested in what they were doing, while he seldom offered them advice unless they asked for it.” [UB 129:1:9]

Thought Adjuster: “Jesus’ attitude mirrors the attitude of the Divine toward each one of you. Unless a mind is receptive, God will never trespass the free will privileges of its owner. It would be utterly unproductive, as there is no point in seeding precious seeds on barren land.

“As your Divine Indweller, it is also the attitude I espouse toward you. At times, I am relegated to the status of a mere observer—your “Thought Monitor.” At other times, you open up to Me and share of yourself, asking for My Input. It is My clue to step in and find creative ways to convey to you the solicited feedback.

“I Am with you 24/7, and it may occur at the most unexpected time of your day but in perfect divine timing. It will cause you to stop in your mental tracks to examine the thought package that I skillfully dropped into your mind, and that will trigger a joyful ah-ha from you.

“The more you grow in spiritual understanding, the tighter is our connection. Why would you wish to steer away from such friendly complicity? Am I not your most reliable Informant? At any given time, I custom-fit My input to your needs, as I am conversant in all your ins and outs.

“How much could all of you benefit from this human-divine interaction! Never again would you feel abandoned to what you label a sorry plight. Certainly, the curriculum to cover during the short span of your earthly sojourn is extensive and demanding. You can hone many survival skills that will serve you well after leaving the fast track of planetary life to relocate to more advanced experiential planes. You are never irrelevant in the large scheme of things; an open-ended reservation has already been tentatively made for you in your next way station because you are beloved children of the promise.”

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