“The existence of God can never be proved by scientific experiment or by the pure reason of logical deduction. God can be realized only in the realms of human experience...” [UB 24:05]
Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about The Quest for Beauty. As you well know, Beauty is an integral component of Love. What if you consciously trained yourself to go through your day focusing on finding Beauty—whether it is part of your external visible reality or of your invisible and yet very real inner world?
“What if you looked at your environment as if you had stepped in Aladdin’s’ Cave—a somewhat obscure word filled with innumerable treasures? The personal effort you would invest in such a quest for Beauty would be proportionally rewarded by your many priceless finds.
“Again, everything is born in your mind. You may either live at the surface of things and be deterred and discouraged by the apparent gloom and doom. Or you may choose to look at your world through a much finer inner filter that would allow you to pinpoint its content of Light and Beauty and zoom in on it. You could compare this process the one of wearing night vision goggles that reveal the blinding light present in the darkness.
“Take the resolution—if only for one day—to go on a hunt for Beauty. This will contribute to an expansion of your awareness and a greater activation of your sixth sense—your night vision goggles. You will stop and smell the roses; you will appreciate the colorful hues of the morning and evening skies; you will establish eye and heart contact with your siblings and linger longer in meaningful and heartfelt conversations. Such a constant focus on Beauty will eventually lead your heart to the tipping point of Gratitude—another much needed transformative process.
“This is the reason why your moment to moment experience is at all times dependent on your inner ‘point-of-view.’ A heavy heart is immune to the beauty of sunny days; a singing heart will rejoice at the moisture of rainy days. Two individuals going through the very same life circumstances may have a completely different outlook based on their inner perception.
“This is also the reason why the God you are searching will become a greater reality in your life as you invite Him in your inner world. You will KNOW what your KNOW. This is the only way to validate His existence in YOUR life.
“There are three main Highways leading to Him: the Highway of Truth, the Highway of Beauty and the Highway of Goodness. It is up to you to decide which signposts to follow. I promise you that none of these roads leads to nowhere.”