Thought Adjuster: “You are free-will creatures and your free-will prerogative is what allows you to make ‘conscious’ decisions, rather than just react instinctively as animals have been programmed to do. You have been placed in control of your destiny through the gift of your free-will. This is huge! You are sitting in the driver’s seat, even though you may only have a driver’s permit—not even a license.
“Because of your freedom of choice, you are constantly presented with multiple case scenarios and many of you stress out about having to make such impactful choices and being subjected to their consequences. Ideally, human beings have been conceived to ascend toward their perfection of character by making choices that are in alignment with the highest good, but the world you live in is far from being ideal. Why is it so?
“Due to the Lucifer rebellion, much confusion has snuck its way in the human psyche, as Truth was defamed while clever misrepresentations and lies were promoted. Over the many ages since then, the consequences of misguided decisions became what you could consider as the evidence of the many crimes committed in the name of the personal license advertised by Lucifer and his cohorts.
“Dear ones, it is high time to reclaim your free-will privileges and to put them to good use. Do not take rash decisions. Instead, turn within to get My Input. I dwell in your thinking, standing by to provide you with My Advice when solicited. You only stand alone in that process, if you stubbornly refuse to accept the Higher Guidance that is so freely provided to you.
“Aren’t you tired of living a regret-filled life? If you do not act differently, you will also take these sad legacy with you when you move on to other realms. “If only… I should have... I wish I had…” do not contribute to a joy-filled life. Yet, it is always time to change the tune of your thoughts. Whenever you have to make a decision, process it in your mind so that you can select the option that will lead you to say: “I am glad I did… I would do it again… I have no regrets…I am grateful.”
“This is what the Father wishes for you—your Highest Good. And I am His very Presence within you, whispering the soundest advice you could ever receive that will only bring blessings into your life. The terrain may not be smooth, yet the promised land is one of eternal bliss.”