The Inner Sherpa



“God’s forgiveness is made actually available and is personally experienced by man just in so far as he forgives his fellows.” [UB 170:3:4]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us further explore what Forgiveness is all about. To many, the above statement might appear quite puzzling. Indeed, you know that the Father forgives you even before you ask for absolution. It is due to the absoluteness of His love. Love IS forgiving by nature. It cannot entertain grudges toward those who are unloving. What does it tell you?

“Your objective is God-likeness—just as a caterpillar’s destiny is to morph into a stunning butterfly. The most direct guideline to reach such a seemingly ambitious and out-of-reach objective is to live by the Golden Rule to treat others as you want to be treated. This Golden Rule is universally applicable. Therefore, it is hugely relevant to the process of forgiveness.

“Why would you expect from God or anyone else something you are not willing to give? You instantly receive Divine Forgiveness if you ‘unconditionally’ and ‘full-heartedly’ forgive your pairs for their trespasses against you.“Forgive us our offenses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

“Think about it. How do you feel when forgiven? A burden is instantly lifted from your anxious heart, replaced with a joyful feeling of relief and overwhelming gratitude. As you bask in this new-found peace of mind and heart, your first impulse should be to share these merciful bounties with others—thus lifting them to the same place of inner freedom and delight.

“Forgiveness is a facet of love. One-sided love is incomplete, as love needs to circulate through the cosmic circuitry. The same goes for forgiveness, as there is no giving without receiving. By sincerely pardoning others before they even ask, you can humbly stand before the Great Forgiver to receive His Magnanimity. As well, you exhibit the first stirrings of Godlikeness. You become divested from unbecoming purulent emotions. It purges you from emotional toxicity, making room for healing and sustainable emotions. Isn’t it a win-win predicament?”

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