“The kingdom of heaven is neither material nor merely intellectual; it is a spiritual relationship between God and man.’ [UB 1486:05]
“As you read the above quote, the thought came to your mind that the Kingdom of Heaven is an equal opportunity organism. This seems paradoxical as material kingdoms have averred themselves to be very remote from that utopia as they consist of diverse social classes, the bottom one being stuck in the role of servants of a self-appointed or hereditary minority.
“The good news that Jesus spread was that the Kingdom is within you. This is the reason why it is an equal opportunity. You have access to it but it requires some focused intention and effort on your part. It requires that you start behaving as a cosmic citizen. What does that entail?
“The Kingdom of Heaven is a big inter-universal family where each member can spend quality time with the benevolent Father-King. You can faintly conceive it within your mind as you can only experience it within your heart since it is a living relationship between the members of the greater Spirit Family.
“Each member is both royalty and servant under the umbrella of Love. As you apply for emigration status to this Kingdom of the Heart, you have to get your credentials in order, i.e. you have to bring an open heart, the only requirement to gain membership into this Kingdom.
“When the prodigal son left his father’s home, he was lacking that understanding and went on a rampage of self-gratification. He experienced firsthand that this is not what generates the substance of true happiness as material enjoyments are very fleeting and leave your heart wanting. What the heart craves is the experience of genuine Love.
“After running out of material possessions, the prodigal son realized that “home is where the heart is”—that home is family. He was humbled; his heart was broken open and he retraced his steps home where, witnessing his inner transformation, His Father received him with open arms.
“Dear ones, your most important mission in life is to keep your heart open—toward yourself, toward others, and toward the Divine. Your home is not of this world but you can qualify for access by undergoing a heart metamorphosis. Your open heart is your passport to Heaven and Heaven is potentially within you. Even while still residing on earth, you can enjoy dual citizenship status.”