The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Experience. To experience something is to integrate it in one’s being. Until such a point in time when personal experience adds to yourtreasures—the ones that you will be able to take with you on your ascension journey, you can only take others’ word for it.

“Experience is meant to be shared. In the olden days, storytelling was a fascinating activity where people were sharing with one another any meaningful life experiences. A journeyman, that used to travel all over the country to hone his skills in a specific trade, would be a welcome guest in many households as he would bring with him a bounty of wonderful stories about the places and the peoples he had gotten to know.

“Such storytelling was beneficial to many, helping them escape the limitations of their own surroundings and activating their imaginative juices. In that sense, hearsay can be a positive thing as long as it is not distorted by fertile imaginations. In your current world, the storytelling around the hearth of the home has been replaced by the storytelling that takes place on your electronic devices. A lot of information is being shared that way—sometimes too much as time is needed to process any new input. It has to be acknowledged and discernment has to be applied as well so as not to be gullible and to become the prey of some unethical agendas.

“Experience and the acquisition of wisdom are tightly connected. The great thing about experience is that it has always a positive charge to it even though the experience in question may have been painful. Yet, the wisdom extracted from it is the precious nectar that you gather as you travel from one experience to the next, like a busy bee collecting nectar from a multitude of flowers.

“Human beings have to learn to share their experiences so as they can all benefit from this age long pool of accumulated wisdom. There is no need to reinvent the wheel as the saying goes. However, the wheel can be perfected and this is what experience is all about. By sharing wisdom, it becomes unnecessary to repeat some painful experiences. A burn victimwill be proof enough of the danger of fire. It will be a sufficient deterrent for others not to have to enduresimilar painful experiences.

“As you recognize some danger zones through your own life's journey, it is a service of Love to warn others about them, to provide them with a bypass so that they can progress more unhindered on their own path. Respect your elders and by that I mean not only those who are older in years; I also mean those who have accumulated more experience in certain areas.

“Experiences can be compared as well as they provide relevant information about specific individual quests. This is why group gatherings are valuable as the group knowledge is much more expanded than the individual knowledge. This is how progress is being made on the experiential scaffolding.”

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