The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “A thorough and honest inquiry about the tenants of a situation divulges all relevant data to make a sound decision whose outworking won’t fall short of your fondest hopes and expectations. Lies cannot materialize their professed outcome, as their flimsy structure is bound tocollapse unto itself.

Truth is the insurance policy you need to subscribe to before you go all out with your energetic investment—body, heart, and soul. Therefore, your first move should be a fact-finding one. Do not take at face value what others proclaim to be true with a practiced poker face. How can you be sure of their due diligence, considering that there is a real possibility that they may have fallen unsuspecting casualties to slick lobbyism?

Personal integrity implies that your thoughts, feelings, and actions are ethical. Carefully program your inner world to sound the alarm on factual inconsistencies that may send you on a wild goose chase.

Set high ideals for yourself and your world. Ponder frequently this altruistic vision so that it imprints itself in your entire being. Act accordingly! Do not compromise your integrity, and do not allow peer pressure to sway you. The Father never coerces anyone to embrace his ways, as the powerful synergy produced by the narrow collaboration of truth, beauty, and goodness produces the irresistible pull of love.

Do not lose your spiritual footing in these confusing times where lies are manufactured in masse. Go within and reflect in the stillness—the best venue for soul orientation. You will emerge appeased and revitalized. From that home base, you will be able to wisely steer your eternal destiny, no matter which twists and turns life has in store for you. You will have developed an uncanny sense of orientation.”

This message is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for free, is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. ©2020 Anyas Spencer

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