The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Home is where the heart is, and, as far as I am concerned, you have not left home. You remain connected with Me, sharing your thoughts, concerns, and impressions, as well as the puzzlement you experience amid challenging situations.

“It is how I can divulge to you worthwhile personal objectives. Whenever you experience unsettling emotions, know that those are growing pains, symptomatic of areas in your persona in need of fine-tuning.

“Once identified, they can become your current homework assignments. Independently of who or what triggers these inner tensions, yours is to deal with them to the best of your current abilities when they surface.

“Maintaining a spiritual routine is crucial—both while on active duty or enjoying some well-deserved R&R. Your mission remains the same, whether on deployment or working from home.

“Know that I am ALWAYS with you. I have to be resourceful in conveying My messages to you whenever you are navigating rougher seas. Keep to heart to manifest in your life what you have identified as precious goals: laughter, regenerative relaxation, coming out of your shell, evolving toward the authentic version of YOU, that is the fabric of US.”

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