“Loving and intimate human associations tend to rub suffering of its sorrow and hardship of much bitterness.” [UB 1771:02]
Thought Adjuster: “Sorrow is felt by the heart while regrets are felt by the mind. Regrets pertain more to ‘should haves’ and missed opportunities. Sorrow is felt when a loved one departs from your life—when death does you part or for other reasons.
"Sorrow validates the love substance that flew between you and that individual. It can be somehow compensated by the loving outreach of other human associations. When you are out in the cold and someone lovingly covers you with a blanket, your whole being gets comforted by that kind gesture—on the inner as well on the outer.
“There are many good Samaritans in your life. There are many acts of kindness stemming from compassionate hearts. They may not be noticeable at first sight as they do not brag; they just become loving anchors whenever you are emotionally tossed around by adverse circumstances.
“They are men and women of few words but of wide open hearts, who feel your pain and are willing to bear it with you. They are the comforting ‘night lights’ in the dark night of your soul.
“Dear ones, be such beacons of light for one another. By selflessly sharing of yourself, you become instruments of Divine Intervention in others’ emergencies. What an honor it is! You are qualified to make a difference. All what it takes is to intend to and you will be guided as what is yours to do.”