“The measure of the spiritual capacity of the evolving soul is your faith in truth and your love for man, but the measure of your human strength of character is your ability to resist the holding of grudges and your capacity to withstand brooding in the face of deep sorrow.” [UB 1740:04]
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, there is so much to ponder about the above quote. Spiritual capacity and strength of character are part of the same equation. Upon your asking, you are at all times being guided by the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit. They point the way to Truth and to Love. They ARE Truth and Love in Action.
“Indeed, dear ones, Truth should never be crystallized as it loses its vibrancy and its flexibility. Truth is an ongoing influence that adapts itself to a vast array of situations—many of them brand new in the ever unfolding script of your life and your planet. “The Truth shall set you free” if you are receptive to its powerful beneficial influence that will help you pull the invasive weeds out of your own back yard as well as the wool from your spiritual eyes.
“Your love for man is also a telltale sign of your spiritual maturity. The small self has been endowed with a gigantic heart capacity so that it can build a loving web connecting it to the multitude of other hearts that are learning to express their beautiful essence.
“As to human strength of character, it is developed in adversity. It is a fact of your planetary life where adverse situations abound that stimulate your inner resourcefulness and resilience while challenging your character to stretch beyond its current limits. The secret to that process is not to lay any unconscious foundations allowing negativity to plant some hard to remove roots in your being. Holding grudges against your fellowmen goes against the Golden Rule and holds you back in your development toward the harmonious embodiment of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Also, ‘brooding in the face of deep sorrow’ prevents you from bouncing back and risks holding you hostage to unhappiness, against your highest good.
“Planetary life is a at times a stern Teacher and Disciplinarian at many levels. Yet, rather than resenting these unpleasant challenges, look at them from the perspective of Gratitude that always show you the higher road. Rather than resisting and resenting your life tribulations and apparent setbacks, thank Spirit for the blessings they are pregnant with if you willingly collaborate to their delivery, rather than prematurely miscarrying them by failing to see the bigger and greater picture.
“Remember that the Father thinks BIG and do not allow the pettiness of some life situations to shrink your mental and emotional abilities. Rather, courageously address them and God-victoriously overcome them. The newer and better version of you will be proof enough that there is a Master Plan at work behind any worldly occurrences.
“What matters is that you live your life with an inquisitive mind and continually turn within to ask ‘what is it teaching me?’ The Spirit of Truth will answer and the Holy Spirit will lovingly cheer you on.”