The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk today about Self-Expression. Most individuals on this planet have a hard time finding a positive way of expressing themselves. It seems it requires courage to do so as many societies have been promoting likeness instead of applauding diversity.

“The Father in Heaven is an amazing creative force that is being manifested in a staggering array of original personalities and creations. Considering that no two snowflakes are alike, how much more diversity is there that is not even visible to the naked eye?

“Diversity is truly the spice of life. Why are so many human beings choosing to blend in rather than to stand out in their God-given uniqueness? It is worth pondering as the free flowing expression of all these individual facets of the Creator would greatly enhance the life experience on your planet.

“Do not shy away from expressing your true self. Being authentic with your self-expression allows you to bloom as the magnificent flower you have been designed to be—a flower with its own unique hue and fragrance.

“God’s Master Plan is all about self-expression—not repression. So many budding talents never come to their full expression as immature parents or teachers program the young generation to adhere to some outdated standards or traditions that stunt their individual growth as they are inadequate catalysts to bring hidden talents to the fore? Your Master Jesus did not blend in. He had the courage to express His God-given qualities and to speak His unadulterated truth.

“Self-expression has to be done lovingly and respectfully—never at the expense of others. These are the dance steps that humanity has to learn to master. At times, it requires for someone to lead and for someone to follow but these roles are interchangeable so that all can make their unique contribution to the dance of humanity.

“Go within, dear ones, to ask your Divine Presence what is the master plan for your life. Get to know yourself first and strip away from your being all the unauthentic layers that have been painted over your true self, thus masking the shining original that you are. You may be amazed at the treasures you discover within and that are to be shared with others. You will also come to taste true joy and happiness as true freedom can only be experienced when no boundaries are holding you back in the expression of your inner beauty. Beauty has its own power of attraction—an irresistible pull. As more and more human hearts are coming to full bloom, they will inspire others to step into their authentic self and boredom will become a thing of the past. Vibrancy will be the new trendy color.”

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