The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk today about Tears and Laughter. You are a spirit living in a carnal envelope—a little bit like the genie in the bottle of your folktales. As you live your physical life, your inner world is filled with a multiplicity of mutating emotions that are changing moment by moment according to the fluctuation of your life circumstances.

“Sometimes the pressures are getting so intense on that physical and inter-relational level that your inner being is screaming for some relief. You get the feeling that if you cannot express your intense emotions, you will literally implode. Tears and laughter are the safety valves that the Father wisely provided to allow for these pent up emotions to escape from your being. Tears are literally flowing through the dam of your eyes and their salty flow brings relief to your inner turmoil. On the other hand, laughter is another wonderful release of tension; both tears and laughter bring about some type of relaxation and take the edge off of overwhelming emotions. After fits of crying or fits or laughter, a sense of peace invades your being thus replacing the flushed out emotions.

“Resort to these embedded security valves whenever you feel such a need. They will cleanse your inner world and like a rainbow after a storm, shinier emotions will eventually come to replace the difficult emotions that you were previously experiencing; tears and laughter can merge into tears of laughter rather than tears of sadness.”

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