Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, when you place a pot of water on the stove and bring it to a boil, the water becomes agitated. If you leave it on the stove unattended, it will eventually evaporate and the container will become damaged by the fire under it. On the other hand, if you turn of the burner, the water will return to a state of immobility and peacefulness. It will have been purified by the high temperature it was temporarily subjected to.
“How do you maintain a state of peace within your being when a multitude of external elements are putting pressure on its various layers? Like the water in the pot, you may either get purified by the fire or you may get destroyed by it. Fire under a pot of water can dissipate the water; water poured over a fire, can quench the fire. This is a good comparison for what takes place on your planet.
“How do you deal with such challenges? Are you the water in the pot or the raging fire that threatens to take over the emotional state of the planet? How does the Father quench all these wild fires and tame them in such a way that they can bring warmth to the hearth and to each heart?
“Peace is the water than can be poured over the fire. How do you produce that marvelous substance? It has to come from within. There is a refreshing spring of peace within your being that you can tap into. It requires some initial efforts to locate it as the personal experiences of peace may be far and between among the life turmoil. Yet, peace is like fresh water appeasing the cruel burns inflicted upon human beings by the violent elements of their lives.
No one can truly relax in a warfare environment as danger requires constant vigilance so as not to be taken off guard. Yet, you could also look at it differently. If you manage to be at peace within yourself, you will place the sentinel of awareness at the portal of your being to ensure that it wards off any elements of restlessness that would defile your inner peace.
“Peace is truly a powerful force even though it is a very subtle one. Peace is the best anchor you could ever select to ground your being. Peace is not volatile and surrounds you as a wonderful safety blanket. A child sleeping in the loving arms of his mother is completely at peace and his peace flows over to his mother as well. They both experience a moment of wonderful oneness.
“You too, dear children, can snug in the Divine Arms that are at all time outstretched to cradle all of you and appease you – bring you back to peace. Remember this as you go through your days; turn within and rest in that peaceful lounge—away from noisiness and busyness. This is the only place where you can completely regroup and find the strength and the motivation to keep going when everything around you appears tumultuous and destabilizing. Peace is the greatest agent of stabilization there is.”