Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, whenever you invest your heart toward the successful completion of a given task, you may select to do it on your own so as to completely master that specific task through the process of your trials and errors. You do learn from your errors and, in their own twisted way, they too are guide posts, like do not enter signs that prevent you from entering a road the wrong way.
“This is what your experience is all about. By sharing your difficult experiences, as well as the good ones, you are demonstrating love and encouragement to your brothers and sisters. By telling them to beware of some danger zones, you are of assistance to them. Because these warnings are based on your own experience, they do have weight.
“Another source of wise collaboration is available to you through the guidance of higher celestial beings who are already equipped with perfect wisdom as they were born in perfection of wisdom. Their wisdom is far reaching and all encompassing so that they are valued counselors in all universe matters. They are Teachers of Wisdom. It is their field of expertise.
“By allowing these wise spiritual influences in your life, you too become wiser and are better equipped to advise others with practical tidbits of your own hard earned wisdom. This type of wisdom is the wisdom needed to help your planet shift into Light and Life.
“Wise decisions are decisions made at a conscious level and involve considering the end result of the action taken. Wisdom will guide you toward the best outcome for the highest good of All That Is. You often hear “This was wise” or “This was foolish”; yet, you do learn from the foolish decision what would have been the wiser one by the process of going within and of deduction and elimination.”