The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, every time you come into the Stillness to spend time with us in a receptive and humble attitude, we have the floor, so to speak, and you can be assured that we will use it to the highest good. We are always standing by waiting for opportunities to come through and we do rejoice whenever such an opportunity is consciously provided as it makes our task much easier if we do not have to circumvent a creature’s lack of awareness.

“We are constantly monitoring the progress of our human counterparts and charges. We truly are Teachers from on High and part of the job description of a Teacher is to assess his/her student’s needs. Where is the student lagging behind and where is he/she already advanced? How can we compensate for the deficits and promote the pluses. This is what we have been trained to do as well as to formulate our wisdom in order to share it with you.

“Wisdom is such a precious staple as it is refined and tested knowledge. Wisdom is a most precious elixir as it is applicable to life situations and very helpful in any decision making process. This is the reason why so much could be gained by inquiring as to the experiential wisdom of your elders. Each one of you is an elder in some way or other as each one of you is a life veteran and has harvested his/her own experiential wisdom along the way.

“Expertise is needed in the universes as experts can be called upon whenever advice is needed to render an informed decision. You too can call upon others’ expertise and you too can contribute to others’ lives by shedding light on some of their life’s conundrums that you have already mastered for yourself. Give and take is the most precious exchange of information and tips for a better and enhanced living. Any wealth does magically multiply when shared while it dwindles when it is greedily put away as it does not fulfill its God intended purpose. Do share freely whatever insights you receive as they are not just meant for you. How much more transformative they when they are shared with other inquiring souls! This is what accelerates progress.”

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