The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear one, the angels greatly rejoice when they see the manifestation of the fruits of their loving ministry. Just as you are eager to be used as a divine instrument to make a difference in others’ life, this is also what the angelic realm is all about. They are your guides and protectors. They are collaborating with your Divine Fragment and your Teachers to help maneuver you toward adequate life circumstances which are meant to trigger higher thinking and insights.

“Your angels are not just glorified babysitters, they are your siblings as well and share with you many common denominators; they feel many similar emotions and have a very compassionate heart as they witness the challenges and the handicaps that you have to deal with.

“By joining forces with their human charges, they bring to the plate of their mortal existence their resourcefulness and wisdom. Many times, they are being used to provide you with practical answers to your questions. Creation is only complete when it is manifested in form, when the effect reveals the most invisible and hidden cause. This is why your intentions are so powerful--much more powerful than most of you realize. All creation starts with a concept--an intention. It then gets expressed through the spoken Word that hooks up with creative energies in order to truly come to life.

“So many human creations are devoid of this high initial intention and they occur without forethought and become the causes of many unwished for manifestations that are perceived as accidents. Human beings have to learn to set high intentions in all the domains of their life and they will be astonished at the positive ripple effect of these God-centered intentions--within their life and beyond it.

“Someone exhibiting a sour mood can very easily negatively affect the moods of those with whom he/she comes into contact if they are caught off-guard. On the other hand, if that individual comes in contact with someone who lives with true awareness, his/her negative vibrations will not find any hooks in that person’s being and will be easily deflated. They may be reflected back to them through the clear mirror of that person’s awareness and they may be eventually guided to take the necessary steps to upgrade their own emotional state.

“Your angels want to do that for you and with you as they frequently witness that much human pain could be easily washed away with a simple change in attitude. Your angels are truly your cheer leaders, wanting to show you the sunny sides of your life. Learn to search for them when you go through your daily activities and you will quickly notice the amazing transformative power of a sunny mood as it has the power to dispel the shadowy sides in others as well. Be of good cheers and shine your lights!”

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