Teacher: “Dear child, you were just reading in The Urantia Book about the Power Directors, the intelligent beings that are monitoring most of the energetic systems holding the universes in balance. The thought came to your mind that there are as well many spiritual influences available to each of you if request their balancing and harmonizing influences in your inner life. The Father has a far reaching network of Associates and Helpers so that He can be hands on Father. He closely monitors the progression of His creations and leaves nothing unaddressed.
“Whenever you set a very specific intention for your life, you devise at the same time the means to see it to its full development and manifestation. A thought is embryonic at first; it has to be nurtured with TLC so as to protect its integrity and bring it to its beautiful manifestation. Whenever you engage yourself in that co-creative process, you have to weigh out any pros and cons and ensure that the cons are overwhelmingly offset by the pros.
“You are also aware of your own limitations based on your lack of experience in many domains. This is why the Father also makes available to each of His learning children a reference library and celestial counselors. In the same manner that you can look up some specific topic on your computer by inputting some keywords that take you to a wealth of information shared by many, your spirit is also endowed with such a Google feature. This brings us back to the Ask and you shall receive principle.
“Your Divine Thought Adjuster is constantly monitoring your thinking process and is ready to interject His two cents, so to speak. Your TA is also an expert in sharing with you the cosmic wisdom, the wisdom accumulated in the cosmic libraries over ages and ages of planetary growth and human experiences at many levels.
“Yours is to turn the switch on, to engage yourself in the process of being encircuited in these amazing circuits of higher influence. Your TA is there to monitor, adjust, and control the input of these spiritual energies so that your organism can handle them without being blown apart by too much too soon. How amazing it is that you are considered so important in the Grand Scheme of things that you are carefully nurtured and catered to in order for you to develop your highest potentials!
“Ask, Trust, and Allow. You will receive beyond your wildest dreams.”