The Inner Sherpa



The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18

Thought Adjuster: “There cannot be genuine human happiness if one lives in isolation. Nowadays, due to the great deal of dysfunction in so many planetary areas, many human beings rather withdraw from society than having to deal with its intense challenges. Yet, as the saying goes “Unity is strength.” Humanity can achieve wonders once they learn to lovingly collaborate on their common higher intentions.

“Collaboration, not estrangement, has been the modus operandi of the creative process since its onset. The Universal Father, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit harmoniously combined their infinite creative talents to co-creatively birth the creation. Their creative patterns are imprinted all over the universes. It takes at least two to create and for Love to exist.

“Isn’t it worth pondering? Isn’t it a clue that social skills need to be cultivated in order to reach out to others and benefit from their inner wealth, while sharing yours with them? Just as a potluck can feed a multitude, the sharing of resources, including spiritual wealth, would greatly contribute to a giant leap forward in the status of humanity toward enlightenment.

“Generously share your inner treasures and humbly accept what others are willing to share with you. Such a genuine spirit of community will unleash great potentials as everything that is freely shared multiplies exponentially. Laughter, when shared, is extremely contagious and uplifting, while shared anxieties may become more weighty and hard to bear.

“Share the positives of your existence and kindly refrain from spreading the negatives—rather turn to Me, your Divine Fragment, as I am equipped to deal with them and help you transmute them into colorful positives. As we learn to master this process together, you can then teach others to do likewise. You are each other’s teachers as well as healers, if you only allow Me to activate these potentials within you. And you are so much more…”

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