“Failure is simply an educational episode—a cultural experiment in the acquirement of wisdom... [UB1780:01]
Thought Adjuster: “You were pondering the discomfort currently experienced on the planet at multiple levels—starting from the individual and encompassing the entire planet, including its weather patterns and the stability of its crust.
“As revealed in the Urantia Papers, one planet out of ten is an experimental planet. The evolution of such decimal planets differs from the norms established for the non experimental ones. Every experiment implies that there are unknown factors as to its outcome. In some way, the Father and His co-creators are taking chances by getting off the trodden path. However, their objective is to pioneer new ways of cosmic betterments.
“The fact that the free will of still immature human beings is very unpredictable adds to the unknowns of such experiments. Moreover, your planetary history has also been quite unusual due to the failures of some of her key players— Lucifer, Adam and Eve, among others.
“Yet, don’t you think that the Father’s Will is stronger than anyone else’s? Don’t you think that His Will has got to eventually get the upper hand as it is coupled with perfect and infinite Wisdom? Isn’t this fact encouraging? The Father does not make rushed decisions; He makes informed decisions and takes measured risks so as not to jeopardize the overall welfare of His creatures and their eternal destinies.
“Take pride in the fact that you too can become key players in this planetary experiment. You can prove the Father right and the nay-sayers wrong. Work at developing an undefeatable can-do attitude. Life may take you through unexpected twists and turns. They happen for a reason. They shake you out of your complacency and keep you on your toes. In some way, they are meant to ‘herd’ you in the right direction.
“Dear ones, indeed ‘failure is an educational episode.’ It is not a terminal dead end as it teaches you were not to go. Whenever you hit a wall in the maze of your life, you know that it is time to turn around and retrace your steps in order to select a better fork in the road as you reach the crossroads where you lost your way. Do not look at such episodes as setbacks. They are actually progress as they help you map out your progression for the sake of those coming after you. Thus doing, you turn such apparent failures into higher service. Look at it this way. Each experience has its weight in gold. Each opportunity is truly golden.
“Things won’t always go your way. Yet, they may always be in favor of your spiritual progression if you come to realize the emotional mastery only they can teach you. ‘Each master was once a disaster.’ You are masters in the making and the failures you experience ensure that you will be humble ones, as humility is the very foundation of true mastery. Failures are meant to instill humility into you.”