Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the Father and Mother of this local universe are Divine Royalties, yet they also are your approachable parents. Each one of their numerous progeny deeply matters to them. Each one of their co-creatures has a special place within their heart. The Divine Sovereigns co-create in Love and Respect and wherever they invest Love has eternal value in their eyes. Love is the essence of All That Is and you are embraced in that life giving elixir.
“Love is being emitted by your Divine Parents. Yet, whenever the children’s hearts are closed, love cannot be integrated in their beings. Humanity is in dire need to awaken to that Love Substance which is the fertilizer of their eternal souls.
For the one who sends out love to others, it is important to persevere so as not to stop the flow of love. Love flows from Paradise and trickles all the way down through the entire creation. Whenever the creatures are receptive to love, their souls start their inward journey toward the manifestation of Truth and Beauty that are Love’s sidekicks. Too often love is being mistaken for lust. Love is selfless while lust is self-serving. Learn to discriminate and to discern between the real thing and its knock-off version.
“Love exerts a powerful influence. Whenever one is constantly taking in it and sending it out, it will eventually unlock closed hearts as it splashes on them and they have been created to absorb it and circulate it as well. All that it takes for a creature is to come to that realization and to start activating the divine laws programmed at the onset of time.
“You have been created for love. Love is at the source and love is at the destination. Love is also along the way but needs to be identified as it is anonymous and not boisterous. Dear child, go on a Love treasure hunt and cherish all the loving connections that you can activate – with other human beings as well as with your environment. Love is to be handled with care as it is precious and fragile. Love needs to be cherished and treasured.”