Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Spiritual Appetite. Due to a lengthy spiritual fasting, many of you have lost their spiritual appetite and are not even aware that their spiritual being is welting away for lack of sustenance.
How do you go about it? First of all, you need to develop a taste for spiritual food. Let us use your physical body as a parallel for what happens when you lack appetite. You lose muscle mass, you lose weight, and you lose stamina. You well know that this condition should not go on indefinitely, as your body would eventually deteriorate to the point of physical death.
In order to stimulate your appetite, you may select to take at first a few bites of your favorite foods. Eventually, this will serve as a primer to restore your appetite to a healthy state and you will gradually expand your daily calorific intake and start craving for a more diversified menu, that will both please your taste buds and meet your health requirements.
The same principle applies to the working up of a spiritual appetite. It is helpful to expose yourself to the spiritual nutrition that holds the most appeal to you. Do not allow anyone to force feed you with their own belief system, as it may trigger a very adverse allergic reaction in your being due to its unique makeup.
I suggest you start reading some spiritual writings that appeal to you by the beauty they exude and their truth content. Indeed, Truth contains spiritual enzymes that render it easily and optimally digestible. Break your spiritual fast with such a high-quality nutrition and you will slowly but surely awaken to your spiritual self.
Getting to know yourself from this spiritual perspective, you will be eager to cultivate such a ‘full-filling’ relationship with Spirit. Indeed, just as the hunger in your belly gets satisfied by a good meal, your spiritual hunger will as well become satisfied, which will generate euphoric feelings that will take you to a heightened spiritual experience. Bliss will eventually be the gourmet dessert relished at the end of your spiritual meal.”