The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: "Dear child, let’s do a guided meditation today. Take a few deep breaths. Hold your breath and tense all the muscles of your body. Hold the tension for a few seconds and release it by exhaling fully. This will allow you to release the tensions from the physical layer of your body.

“You could compare this to leaving your coat in the cloakroom before you attend a special occasion. Keep breathing deeply and visualize now that with every exhalation, you are releasing emotional tensions and with every inhalation, you are breathing in Divine Love and Peace. Thus doing, you are allowing for a state of deep peace to invade your being.

“After meeting these two prerequisites, you can now center your being by expressing your intention to be in communion with Spirit. You have taken your seat in the waiting room and you are patiently and peacefully waiting for Spirit to actively engage with you.

“You have emptied your mind from its busy-ness and have thus established a state of receptivity. This is when you will start noticing an influx of interesting thoughts—the ones that you would like for Spirit to expand upon—whether it happens in your conscious or superconscious mind. What occurs at the superconscious level will eventually register at the conscious level after a period of spiritual ‘incubation’ so to speak.

“Indeed, Spirit may plant some ‘thought seeds’ in your receptive mind; they will be the starter kit for the manifestation of higher thinking, just as a grain of yeast greatly expands over time and under the right conditions.

“You have the saying “Let’s sleep on it!” It recognizes the fact that some thoughts need to be left alone for a while so that they can naturally come to maturity. By articulating your questions and disengaging your mind from its obsessive thinking about your concerns, you are allowing Spirit to take over and to work Its magic to bring forth the solicited answers.

“Remember that you are in a partnership and that Spirit is a very active Partner if you stop micromanaging your own life and leave room for ‘inspiration’—the best way to lead you to make fully informed decisions as what pertains to your life experience.

“By going in the Stillness whenever you are at your wits’ end, you invite meaningful spiritual downloads that are coupled with a much needed feeling of inner peace. Whenever you make the right decision, peace moves in—a sure sign that you are on the right track. It is like Spirit telling you “I told you so.”

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