Teacher: “Dear child, as you put your mind in neutral and wait to receive the first impulse of our input, you wonder what our communication will be about today. This is what validates to you that some genuine communication is taking place and is not controlled by your mind. You sit in the Stillness, you condition your sacred space to receive the highest teachings available to you, and you wait for the flow of communication to start flowing from our minds to yours.
“Isn’t it liberating to know that we specifically prepare our input for you? We monitor your life and the life occurrences that humanity is being faced with at any given moment and we welcome the opportunities to input our 5 cents worth in order to assist you in your life experiences. We also observe how our input is being received and how far out it ripples through the 11:11 Progress Group dissemination system. Many of the readers of the messages will feel that we are addressing them personally and such is the case.
“You will have noticed in your own life that you frequently encounter kindred souls who are trying to figure out the exact same things you are processing. Spirit is registering all these questions and is formulating responses which can be integrated in each individual questioning mind. “Ask and you shall receive” is absolute truth. It is a universal law. The asking is what initiates the receiving process. The more you ask, the more you shall be blessed with answers.
“Do not be afraid to be like these inquisitive little ones who incessantly ask questions to their parents as they know that the answer will be forthcoming and will help them make sense of their environment. Eventually they come to know as much as their parents and new teachers are placed upon their path to keep enlarging and expanding their mind and their understanding.
“As for everything else in life, do not become complacent, as complacency engenders stagnation. Even though your body may slow down with age, keep your mind challenged and nurtured as, unlike your physical vessel, your mind is not subjected to the aging process in the same way. You soul is so young and is equipped for eternity--for an eternal continued education. The Father Himself is still creating, which means that there is eternally more to learn and to discover.
“Boredom is banished from the Higher Realms. Strive to banish it from your daily life so that you can create memories which stand out and which will be taken with you in your life transitions to higher realms. Become such a memory collector, those are your treasures.”