The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Children delightin playing “Blind’s Man Buff”. They cover their eyes with a blindfold and are solely guided to their targets by the sound of their playmates’ voices. Their playmates may also provide them with clues as to the accuracy of the direction toward which they are moving, by telling them whether they are getting “warmer”, i.e. getting closer to their objective or “colder”, i.e. drifting further away. If they accurately perform course corrections based on the clues provided, they will eventually reach their destination and win the game.

“Spirit is not in hiding. Yet, It appears to be because so many have their backs turned away from Spirit and are getting “colder”. Spirit is always “calling” you Home and the Spirit of Truth is shining Its light to show you the way Home if you only would turn around and direct your spiritual vision toward this Light House.

“Rather than claiming that Spirit is evasive, look at your own inner attitude. Are you the one playing “hard to get”? Are you the one in denial as to the possibility of building a heartfelt relationship with your spiritual Progenitors? Whose heart is closed? Whose mind is narrow? What can be done to remedy to these obvious and self-imposed handicaps?

“All that is needed is to switch games. What about the game of “Clues?” Whenever you are asking questions, Spirit will provide you with meaningful clues. You will need to engage both your mind and your heart in order to correctly interpret them and to follow through as Spirit will always guide you through the loving impulses of your heart and the higher understanding of your mind. Spirit appeals to the best in you so as to draw you out of mediocrity. Spirit “inspires” by elevating your thinking and your feelings.

“Spirit is your Teacher. Yours is to willingly enroll for the classes and to do your inner “home work”—day in, day out. Your home work is what allows you to move ever closer to Home.”

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