The Inner Sherpa



“How long will it take the world of believers to understand that prayeris not a process of getting your way but rather a program of taking God’s way, an experience of learning how to recognize and execute the Father’s will?”[UB 1946:2]

Thought Adjuster: “Prayer has been much misunderstood and, due to that fact, many prayers have been articulated that failed to find their way heavenwards. What is genuine prayer? For what or against what do you pray?

“Indeed, in their prayers, many human beings stand divided and confrontational. They seem to think that they are the only ones having God’s Ear. Wasn’t it the attitude exhibited by the Pharisees of Jesus’ days? Didn’t He address this type of self-deception?

“First of all, genuine prayer CANNOT be devoid of Love and Compassion. Do you pray FOR your enemies, or AGAINST them? Sadly, in your world, many prayers express a form of wishful thinking that, if it were to come true, would bring harm to others, as it is infused with hate, resentment, bitterness, and jealousy—none of these elements being of the Light. Therefore, there is no possible way that they could move the Divine Heart to side with them and manifest their solicited outcome.

“Prayers have to be sincere and emanate from a loving heart. This is what Jesus came to teach you. He prayed for the highest good of His enemies, rather than for their doom and swift demise. He did His best to bring enlightenment to their thinking, rather than branding them as expandable. He came as the Good Shepherd searching for His lost sheep.

“Dear ones, a productive prayer is not a mere mental exercise. It is an expression from your open heart. It is your desire to see goodness manifested in the lives of your planetary siblings—even the lives of your arch enemies.

“Jesus understood perfectly that many evil actions are performed out of ignorance and He interceded to the Father for all of the evildoers: “Father, forgive them, as they do not know what they do.”

“If you pray in Jesus’ Name, you need to pray AS Jesus would pray. Any prayer expressed in Jesus’ Name, but devoid of love, compassion, and empathy is a case of identity theft, so to speak. Jesus will not and cannot condone such prayers.

“Pray for all to see the Light. Pray for their hearts to open to the universal Divine Guidance. Pray for unity. Pray for peace. Such prayers will find their match in the Divine Will and be answered. All other wannabee prayers are just misguided petitions that cannot be answered in kind, as they would be prejudicial to the greater organism—to others and to yourself.”

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