The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Patience. It is a quality that receives little attention, as the tempo of your civilization is constantly increasing due to the technological ‘advancements.’ I put the word ‘advancements’ in quotation marks, as it is well worth questioning if such a type of progress is a step in the right direction or merely a step forward and two steps backward. What do I mean by that?

The digital technology facilitates instantaneous global connections that in some way override the handicaps of time and space. Ironically, the more people engage in the ‘cyber world’ and ‘social media’, the more some of them become antisocial and disconnected from real relationships.

Meaningful relationships are close and personal—involving eye, heart, and soul contact. They require that you be very present, as, if you are distracted, absent-minded, or impatient, a potentially meaningful connection will be aborted.

This is why Patience is so important in the acquisition of self-mastery. Jesus constantly displayed the patient demeanor of surrendering. He was often heard to say “My hour has not yet come.” He was fully absorbed in each now moment, thus making the best out of them, rather than unproductively entertaining regrets for the forever past or overly dwelling on the yet-to-come future—living in the ‘what if’ mode that is so prevalent among you.

The Peace that surpasses all understanding is tightly connected with a state of patient being-ness. Practice simultaneously slowing down all your systems: physical, emotional, and mental. Start by focusing on your body and releasing its many tensions. Then, check your emotional state and consciously focus on the positive emotions of Love, Compassion, and Gratitude. They will do wonders removing any emotional knots. Finally, move your thinking into a quiet zone, as it will no longer be busy responding to your electrochemical and emotional impulses.

This is how you will get in touch with the Peace that surpasses all understanding—a Peace that harmoniously blends with Patience—and even overrides it. Indeed, when you are fully at Peace, it does no longer require Patience, as it is a state of blissful Being-ness, of being pleasantly immersed in the Present Moment and wishing for it to last forever.”

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