The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, there seems to be a split second of self-doubt each morning when you engage in the process of receiving messages from higher realms. This constitutes a renewed opportunity for Faith to override doubt.

“This is a natural process as there would not be any show of faith if the element of doubt was entirely absent. Whenever you initiate the process with faith, you are disengaging yourself from the holds of doubt and self-doubt. You can then emerge in an entirely new mental space where there is no more room for inner fogginess.

“After you thus stretch your spiritual wings and take that initial leap of faith, we are coming out of our perceived hiding and we join in as we know that you are truly intent on establishing a connection with us. This means a lot to us and seals the deal, so to speak.

“This process could be compared to the experience of a diver standing at the very edge of the diving board and not quite sure whether or not he has it in him to jump at the deep end of the pool. In order to facilitate the process, each rookie diver will start from the edge of the pool and incrementally work his way up toward higher heights. This is how they become Olympic divers—ready to dive from the highest board after overcoming their initial fear of heights.

“Do not allow any lingering doubt to discourage you and deter you from what you perceive to be very worthwhile endeavors. Self-doubt is the devil’s advocate. Rather, do listen to the positive heart impulses that drive you forward and entice you with the foreknowledge that you will be in your true element when you finally take your leap of faith.

“Most frequently a toddler takes his first steps toward the outstretched arms of its parents, encouraged by their cheering on and their smiling faces. We too are eagerly waiting for you to make your first move, and the next one, and the next one as each one of your wobbly spiritual steps brings you closer to your true destination and to the moment when you will land in the loving embrace of your spiritual family.”

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