The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the visualization just came to your mind that a multitude of celestial beings are landing on Urantia at this turning point of her history. Monjoronson, your Magesterial Son, is getting ready to incarnateon Urantia so as to lead from Ground Zero the human-celestial alliance, in collaboration with Christ Michael and Machiventa Melchizedek.*

“The celestial forces are intervening as they have been asked to do so from their Commander in Chief, Christ Michael, upon the request of many awakening souls who have come to understand that Spirit has to be invited to step in. Many invitations have been sent out to Spirit--many out of fear and many out of faith.

“Spirit is compassionate and holds the vision of what is still to be when each creature comes into alignment with the purpose of its creation. Many have been stumbling in darkness searching for enlightenment, asking questions about the true purpose of their existence.

“Once the Light start shining in your life--like a beautiful and ever expanding sunrise--, hope takes over as the Light points to a very clear direction. The sunrise is a beacon of hope as it dispels all darkness. Sure, there may be a heavy cloud cover and some mental fog but they will eventually dissipate as more and more human beings are turning ontheir own light.

“A candle is only fulfilling its intended purpose once it has been lit. What is your purpose? How can you serve higher purposes? Those are two essential questions to ask yourself and to ask your Divine Fragment. You may think that you have recognized your purpose, but it could be that you only have recognized a temporary step in your eternal journey. Your job description may change as you evolve and these various stages of training are preparing you for the fulfillment of your destiny. Enjoy each discovery along the way and trust that they will be the signposts taking you higher and higher in ascension.

“Ascension has to be a slow and steady process so as to give you ample time to integrate finer vibrations. You are climbing a spiritual Himalaya and your being needs to become accustomed to the more rarefied atmosphere. Slow and steady is much preferable to powerful experiences that could put your systems in a state of shock which would require much time to recover from.”

Note: *Refer to the Urantia Book for in depth explanation of the functions of a Magisterial Son. Christ Michael is the sovereign of our local universe of Nebadon and incarnated as Jesus. Machiventa Melchizedek was known as the Teacher of Salem and is now the Planetary Prince. The three of them constitute the Triumvirate who is leading the planetary shift.

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